Book Review: My Sewing Planner by Anusha Kannamma

Look what just arrived?!

My Sewing Planner by Anusha Kannamma

So thrilled to flip through the pages and can’t wait to start using it!
At first glance I saw it as a much-needed personal workspace for helping channel all creative energies; Arts, crafts, sewing, gardening, cooking, dancing, weaving words and more.
As I began exploring, I realized, the appealing layout of the planner, the texture of the pages, the artwork, the colors, and content that includes motivating tips, snapshots of talented women, and recipes, don’t just please the senses but inspire you to engage in creative pursuits and run, streamline your project, household, hobby or business too.
Its scope is way more than a planner…a tracker of tasks, inventory, budget and beyond, a travel journal, a diary, a personal space to unwind, doodle, jot down notes, reviews and ideas, sketch, color, to keep fueling or for that matter awakening your artistic side.
It is not only useful for small businesses, hobbyists but can also serve as a creative muse, making it one of a kind eclectic planner.

Interested in getting one for yourself?
Details on Insta @mysewingplanner @anusha_kannamma

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