Book Review: Life Blooms…in myriad ways by Soumya Bharathi

I happened to read this book during the lockdown and what a soul-warming read it was. Every story made me smile and filled me with cheer, taking my mind off the global situation.
An enchanting and fragrant bouquet of stories that invoke a spectrum of warm emotions.
Each story themed after a flower, is finely crafted with care and eloquence and hits the right notes, infused with depth, warmth and lightness. Subtle, fresh, sweet and gentle, yet carrying a world of meaning, the narrative smoothly flows carrying you along in its current. The essence behind special life moments are beautifully captured and the illustrations exquisitely complement.
Ranging from nostalgic, romantic, comforting, uplifting, inspiring to bittersweet, the stories are evocative and instantly connect.
A grandchild’s endearing bond, a flower seller’s triumph, a rebel who refuses to conform, a change-maker, budding of romance between strangers, jaded partners rediscovering love and more…it is difficult to pick a favourite where each one is like a unique and charming pressed flower between the pages of life’s book.
The stories not only leave a feel-good after taste and continue to linger, but entice you to pick up the book for re-reads.
Here’s the Kindle link to the book
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